blogFrystark chairs restored

Frystark chairs restored

It takes time to restore furniture to its original wood colour and a good sanding. Every bit is done by hand, from stripping the old varnish to sanding down the wood.

Tools like belt or orbital sanders has a unnatural finish. There’s nothing like moving your hands through the contours of the wood grain to keep it’s shape. A few liters of Turpentine is close at hand to clean off the paint stripper. It makes one’s job easier if only for a small part of the process. When chairs creak when sitting on and joints are loose, we reach for our trusted cold glue and vintage g clamps to get the job done. It slows down the restoring  process but overtime it’s worth it. Sand, sand and sand until you’re happy with the results. Starting off with rough to smooth sandpaper. When it’s time to add the coat of varnish make sure that the wood is clean and wipe away all dust particles. They leave marks once the varnish is applied. Choose between matte or gloss varnish depending on your preference. We prefer the matte finish as it’s soft with no reflections. With these Frystark chairs we used clear varnish No. 10 Wood doc which has a slight gloss finish to it.

Here’s the finished results

Photo 2014-10-04, 3 11 50 PM

Adding cold glue

Photo 2014-10-04, 3 04 49 PM

Varnish applied to table



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